Welcome to the Laurel Highlands Trout Trail

A partnership between five Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited chapters in or near the Laurel Highlands — Chestnut Ridge TU, Forbes Trail TU, Ken Sink TU, Mountain Laurel TU and Penn’s Woods West TU.


Our award-winning Pennsylvania state parks and forests, 50+ boutique shops, cultural and historical attractions and restaurant and lodging partners await you and your family. Plan to visit us in the Laurel Highlands Trout Trail - a beautiful 70-mile region in southwestern PA.

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Second annual fly fishing poker run!

Earn a chance to win valuable prizes just by going fishing!


This is a project of Trout Unlimited to assist fly fishers in finding premier trout streams in the Laurel Highlands. Enjoy our award-winning state parks, forests and hiking trails. We hope you’ll make our Laurel Highlands a destination vacation! We offer something for all ages and abilities.      


Fly fishing in the Laurel Highlands is great all year long! Winters provide the state’s largest accumulation of snowfall, so trout streams benefit from cold rains in the spring, summer and fall. Legally, there is always a Trout Trail stream open if you fish with flies and practice catch and release.

catch & release

Trout are too precious to be caught just once. TU promotes the catch and release ethic, especially with all wild trout. Wet your hands before handling fish to prevent rubbing off their protective slime. Keep fish close to the water for quick photos. Land your catch quickly to avoid stressing it beyond its recovery limit. Use of barbless hooks minimizes injuries to the fish, and by keeping a tight line while fighting a fish, they seldom release themselves prematurely. We can catch trout many times…but only eat them once!       

Stream Etiquette

While fishing, TU recommends anglers be courteous and allow plenty of space, especially for health reasons. Don’t litter — carry out at least as much waste as you take in. Be respectful of those who enjoy the quiet of mountain streams by keeping your voice low. Stick to trails when possible and try not to damage plants or stream banks. Don’t wade into or cross streams near other anglers. Offer assistance to anglers who seem to be struggling. Practice the Golden Rule!   


A magnificent mountainous region, the Laurel Highlands spans 3,000 square miles of Fayette, Somerset and Westmoreland Counties in southwestern Pennsylvania. Located just east of Pittsburgh, our beautiful four-season destination offers spectacular natural scenery, outstanding outdoor recreation venues, historic sites & attractions, family activities and world class resorts.